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Invited Talks

Prof. R.F Garcia Ruiz has been invited to present his research in more than 100 conferences, workshop, school, seminars, and colloquia.

  1. “Probing nuclear and particle physics phenomena with radioactive molecules”. APS GPMFC-DAMOP Workshop: Precision Measurements with Molecules, Forth Worth, TX (2024).

  2. “Charge radii measurements of exotic nuclei from laser spectroscopy”. Workshop on Nuclear Radius Extraction Collaboration) NREC 2024. Stony Brook, NY, US (2024).

  3. “Probing Particle Physics with Molecules”. Physics Colloquium, University of Antioquia, Colombia (2024).

  4. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Physics”. CFP Colloquium, Northwestern University, US (2024).

  5. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, US (2024).

  6. “Radioactive Molecules for Nuclear Science”. XLV Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc, Mexico (2024).

  7. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Science”. Distinguished Lecture, National Science Foundation (NSF) US (2023).

  8. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Physics”. Physics Division Colloquium, Argonne National Laboratory, US (2023).

  9. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Physics”. Physics Colloquium Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, US (2023).

  10. “Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Physics”. Special Talk, Schlumberger (SBL), US (2023).

  11. “Radioactive Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Mazurian Lake Conference, Poland (2023).

  12. "Tests of Fundamental Symmetries". 20th Exotic Beam Summer School (EBSS2023), FRIB, US (2023).

  13. "Radioactive Molecules as Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics". Searching for New Physics at the Quantum Technology Frontier, Switzerland (2023).

  14. "BSM tests with Radioactive Molecules". Search for new physics with low-energy precision tests, Netherlands (2023).

  15. "Radioactive molecules for nuclear science". Atomic Physics Gordon Research Conference, Newport (2023).

  16. "Probing Nuclear and Particle Physics Phenomena with Radioactive Molecules". Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science (ARIS), France (2023).

  17. "Bridging Talents and Opportunities" Outreach Event, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia (2023).

  18. "Bridging Talents and Opportunities" Outreach Event, Minister of Science, Colombia (2023).

  19. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science " CUA Seminar – Harvard, Massachusetts (2023).

  20. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science" Physics Colloquium, University of Notre Dame, South Bend (2023).

  21. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science" Physics Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle (2022).

  22. "Nuclear structure relevant to fundamental symmetry studies with atoms and molecules". NSAC Long Range Plan Town Hall Meeting on Nuclear Structure, Reactions, and Astrophysics. Argonne National Laboratory (2022).

  23. "Opportunities for fundamental symmetry studies @ FRIB". Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, and Neutrinos Town Meeting, Chapel Hill (2022).

  24. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science". 26th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research & Industry and 53rd Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel. Denton (2022).

  25. "Freedman Award: Laser spectroscopy studies of radioactive atoms and molecules". Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics. New Orleans (2022).

  26. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science". Physics Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell (2022).

  27. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science". Trapped Charged Particles Conference TCP 2022, Germany (2022). 

  28. "Radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science". International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC 2022, South Africa (2022).

  29. "Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules". 14th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, CIPANP 2022, US (2022).

  30. "Radioactive Molecules for Nuclear Science". Joint section ICAP 2022 & TRIUMF Science Week 2022, Canada (2022).

  31. "Precision measurements of electroweak nuclear properties with exotic atoms and molecules". IOP Colloquium, UK (2022).

  32. "Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Science". Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar, MIT (2022).

  33. "Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Science". Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Ohio University (2022).

  34. "Radioactive Molecules for Nuclear Science". QUANTUM-Seminar, Mainz University (2022).

  35. "Designer Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Science". Teekolloquium Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg (2021).

  36. "Designer Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science". Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics (2021).

  37. "Precision laser spectroscopy for nuclear science". Symposium on QCD and Nuclei, MIT (2021).

  38. "Spectroscopy of Short-lived Radioactive Molecules for Fundamental Science". International conference on HYPERFINE interactions and their applications, Romania (2021).

  39. “Spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules”. International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (2021).

  40. “Radioactive atoms and molecules for fundamental physics". Fundamental Physics Using Atoms, KEK & RCNP Japan (2021).

  41. “Designer Radioactive Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science.” Nuclear Theory Seminar, University of Maryland, Maryland, US (2021).

  42. “Radioactive molecules for fundamental physics” 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, US (2021).

  43. “Opportunities for new physics searches with exotic atoms and molecules”. Workshop on Searches for Beyond-the-Standard-Model Interactions with Precision Measurements, GPMFC, APS Meeting, US (2021).

  44. “Designer radioactive atoms and molecules for nuclear science”. Nuclear Physics Seminar. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia (2021).

  45. “Unraveling the fundamental laws of nature through exotic atoms and molecules”. Physics Colloquium, TRIUMF, Canada (2021).

  46. “Designer Atoms and Molecules for Fundamental Science”. Physics Colloquium, Caltech, California, US (2021)

  47. "Exotic Molecules for Nuclear Science". TRIUMF Town Hall, Canada (2020).

  48. "Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science". FRIB Nuclear Science Seminar. US (2020).

  49. "Exotic Molecules for Fundamental Science". X Tastes of Nuclear Physics. University of Cape Town, South Africa (2020).

  50. "Explorando las leyes del universo con átomos y moléculas radiactivas". Seminar Dept. Ing. Eléctrica, Electrónica y Computación Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Colombia (2020).

  51. "Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science". Nuclear lunch seminar. Washington University in St. louis. US (2020).

  52. "De dónde venimos y para dónde vamos". Outreach talk. Rumba Criolla, Fresno. Colombia (2020).

  53. “Exotic molecules for fundamental physics”. Fundamental Sciences & Quantum Technologies using Atomic Systems. India (2020).

  54. “Radioactive molecules as laboratories for fundamental physics”. TRIUMF Science Week, Vancouver, Canada (2020).

  55. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules at FRIB”. LECM 2020 Precision measurements working group, FRIB (2020).

  56. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington,  US (2020).

  57. “Exotic Molecules for Nuclear Science”. CENPA Seminar, University of Washington, US (2020).

  58. “Radioactive Molecules for Fundamental Science”. Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics, Virtual Town Hall Meeting (2020).

  59. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Seminar Experimental Particle Physics group , University of Sussex, UK (2020).

  60. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Physics Division Seminar Argonne National Laboratory, US (2020).

  61. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science”. Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium (NPPC), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge US (2020).

  62. “Opportunities for New Physics searches with exotic atoms and molecules”. TH Institute workshop: New Physics on the Low-Energy Precision Frontier, CERN, Geneva (2020).

  63. “Short-lived radioactive molecules: A sensitive laboratory for the study of fundamental symmetries”. Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, Crystal City, US (2019).

  64. “Opportunities for New Physics searches using exotic molecules and atoms at EPIC-ISOLDE”.  ISOLDE-EPIC workshop, CERN, Geneva (2019).  

  65. “New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Research with Radioactive Molecules”.  Physics Division Seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge (2019).      

  66. “Laser spectroscopy of Radioactive Molecules”. Laser spectroscopy as a tool for nuclear theories, Saclay, France (2019).

  67. “Sensitive Studies of Radioactive Molecules”. Topical Program: Hadronic Electric Dipole Moments in the FRIB Era: From the Proton to Protactinium. FRIB, East Lansing, US (2019).

  68. “Simple structures in atomic nuclei”. International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019. Glasgow, UK (2019).

  69. “Challenging our understanding of heavy nuclei with radioactive atoms and molecules”. Symposium “Challenges in theory of heavy nuclei”, The University of York, UK (2019).

  70. “Precision spectroscopy of "hot" molecules at CRIS-ISOLDE/CERN”.  International Conference on Trapping Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research and Laser Probing, Mainz, Germany (2019).

  71. “Spectroscopy of hot molecules”. Symposium in Honour of Prof Jon Billowes. Manchester, UK (2019).

  72. “Exploring new physics with radioactive atoms and molecules”. ECT* Workshop Atomic nuclei as laboratories for BSM physics”, Trento, Italy (2019).

  73. “Precision spectroscopy of "hot" atoms and molecules”. LNS special seminar, MIT, Cambridge (2019).

  74. “Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear and Fundamental Physics Research”. Seminar on Nuclear Science, Peking University, China (2019).

  75. “Precision spectroscopy of "hot" atoms and molecules”. ISOLDE Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland (2018).

  76. “High-precision spectroscopy of "hot" atoms and molecules”. Workshop Searching for New Physics with Cold and Controlled Molecules" at Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mainz, Germany (2018).

  77. “Shedding light on quantum many-body problems”.  Nuclear physics seminar Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä, Finland (2018).

  78. “Precision laser spectroscopy for nuclear structure studies”. SSNET18 Conference Shapes and Symmetries in Nuclei: from Experiment to theory. Paris, France (2018).

  79. “Nuclear ground-state properties from laser spectroscopy”. APCTP Workshop Understanding Nuclei from Different Theoretical Approaches. Pohang, South Korea (2018).

  80. “Investigating the possible “magicity” of N=32,34 in exotc Ca isotopes using laser spectroscopy methods”. European Nuclear Physics Conference, Bologna, Italy (2018),

  81. “Collinear Laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE”. 34th International Physics Congress: Turkish Physics Society. Bodrum Turkey (2018).

  82. “Laser spectroscopy of exotic nuclei: Recent results and future perspectives”. ECT* workshop, Probing exotic structure of short-lived nuclei by electron scattering, Trento, Italy (2018).

  83. “Shedding Light on Quantum Many-body Problems”. Nuclear Physics Group Seminar, Birmingham, UK (2018).

  84. “El nucleo atomico te da energia, la meta la pones tu!”. Science Club 2018, Ibague Colombia (2018).

  85. “High-resolution laser spectroscopy experiments at the extremes of the nuclear chart”. IOP Nuclear Physics Conference, Paisley, UK (2018).

  86. “Shedding Light on Quantum Many-body Problems”. Theory Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos, USA (2018).

  87. “CRIS: A Toolbox for Exploring Quantum Many-body Problems”. ISOLDE Workshop and Users Meeting 2017. Geneva, Switzerland (2017).

  88. “Recent results from collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy (CRIS)”. The International Symposium on Physics of Unstable Nuclei 2017 (ISPUN17), Halong City, Vitenam (2017).

  89. “Laser spectroscopy studies of neutron-rich nuclei”. ECT* meeting. Trento, Italy (2017).

  90. “Recent developments in sensitive high-resolution laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE-CERN”. Physics division seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (2017).

  91. “Simple Questions of Nuclear Structure”. ISOLDE-CERN Physics Group Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland (2017).

  92. “Experimental signatures of the emergence of shell structures and of the mean field”. The tower of the effective field theories and the emergence of the nuclear phenomena. Paris, France, January (2017).

  93. “Laser spectroscopy of neutron rich Ca isotopes”. ISOLDE-CERN Physics Group Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland (2016).

  94. “Electromagnetic moments and radii near N =32, 34”. APS meeting DNP. Vancouver, Canada (2016).

  95. “Laser Spectroscopy Studies on Neutron-rich Calcium Isotopes”. Nuclear Structure Conference, NS2016. Knoxville, TN, USA (2016).

  96. “Laser spectroscopy of neutron rich Ca isotopes”.  X International Workshop. Applications of Lasers and Storage Rings in Atomic Nuclei Research. Poland (2016).

  97. “Sensitive high-resolution laser spectroscopy studies in the calcium region”. Le Service de Physique Nucléaire SEMINAIRE. CEA Saclay, France (2015).

  98. “Collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy”.  7th International Conference on Laser Probing (LAP2015).  Michigan, USA (2015).

  99. "Moments and charge radii of Ca isotopes". NUSTAR 2015. GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, March (2014).

  100. "VITO: Versatile Ion-polarized Techniques On-Line at ISOLDE-CERN". International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy (CGS15). Dresden, Germany (2014).

  101. “Fidelity in Random Matrix Ensembles. Two- and Three-body Interactions”. Summer School: Applications of Quantum Mechanics: Optics, Chaos, Random Matrices and Quantum Information. Cuernavaca, Mexico, (2011).

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