Short-Lived Radioactive Molecules
Precision measurements of molecular systems provide highly sensitive laboratories for exploring the possible violation of fundamental symmetries and search for new physics beyond the standard model physics [Barr14,Demi17,Safr18]. Radioactive molecules compound of heavy and deformed short-lived isotopes are predicted to offer unprecedented sensitivity to investigate parity and time reversal violation effects. However, the experimental knowledge of short-lived radioactive molecules is scarce, and quantum chemistry calculations has constituted the only source of spectroscopy information.
[Barr14] Barry, J. et al. Nature 512, 286 (2014).
[Demi17] DeMille et al. Science 357, 990 (2017).
[Safr18] Safronova et al. Rev Mod Phys 90, 025008 (2018).
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Laser spectroscopy studies of short-lived radioactive isotopes at the limits of existence. Experiments are performed at different facilities worldwide such as ISOLDE, CERN (Switzerland), FRIB (US), TRIUMF (Canada), and Jyväskylä (Finland).
How do nuclear phenomena emerge from the fundamental forces of nature? Can we constrain the properties of nuclear matter in extreme conditions from our understanding of finite nuclei? What is the role of the electroweak interactions in the description of nuclei?

Our group has pioneered the study of short-lived radioactive molecules. These molecular systems offer new opportunities for research in many-body physics, astrophysics, nuclear structure, and fundamental physics.
Photo-Resonance Excitation and Cavity Ionization Spectroscopy Apparatus: A novel device which aims to extend the frontier in our knowledge of the atomic nucleus.